The Colombian Constitutional Court has ruled that it is legal to perform an abortion up to the 24th week of pregnancy. After this period, the procedure will still be allowed in certain cases. Activists describe the decision as "historic" and believe it will bring about similar legal changes in other Latin American countries.

Read more in Noizz (in Polish only).

Underground Women’s State is an image of Polish reality, where anti-abortion law exists only on paper. Eight women who had illegal abortion decided to talk about their experiences, for the first time. In Poland since 1993 anti-abortion law, forbidding pregnancy termination on social grounds, has been in force. Meanwhile the number of illegal abortions performed in the country is estimated at even 200 thousand yearly. An access to safe medical procedures is mainly the matter of money. Despite such frequent illegal abortions, there is no movement aiming at changing the law in Poland. The authors of the film try to answer the question why it is the case, calling to memory the reality of the beginning of the nineties. They show helplessness of the social movement in the face of political bargains. Searching for answers, they turn to leading activists of the pro-choice movement, from different generations.

Underground Women’s State, dir. Anna Zdrojewska, Claudia Snochowska - Gonzalez (the film has no English subtitles.)

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