Films available through platform will only be available for streaming in Poland.
How much is an e-ticket and an e-pass?
A single ticket is PLN 11.
With an e-pass you can spend less on the screenings!
An e-pass for 3 films is PLN 30 (the price of one screening is PLN 10).
An e-pass for 5 films is PLN 45 (the price of one screening is PLN 9).
An e-pass for 10 films is PLN 78 (the price of one screening is PLN 7.80)
How to buy an e-ticket?
You can buy an e-ticket on every film tab. After clicking the “play” icon, you will be asked to create an account or log in.
In the next step you can pay electronically for the e-ticket.
You will receive a confirmation of your order’s completion to the email provided during registration.
As a logged in user, you will be able to watch the film for 24 hours from purchasing the e-ticket. You will have 48 hours for watching the film after clicking “play the film” on the tab or the My Account subpage.
How to buy an e-pass?
You can buy an e-pass through the website: Purchase access.
You will be asked to create an account and log in.
In the next step, you will be able to pay for your e-pass electronically.
You will receive a confirmation of your order’s completion to the email provided during registration.
Your e-pass will already be active.
After going to the film’s tab you’ll see the “play the film” button. After you confirm “open”, in the next step you will have 48 hours to watch the film based on your e-pass.
As a logged in user, you can create film collections on the subpage My Account. There is a “My list” button on each film card. After clicking the heart, the film will appear on your “My Account” subpage in the section: “I want to see”. On this subpage, you can decide when you will open the films chosen as a part of your e-pass. After confirming “play”, you have 48 hours to watch the film.
How to use the My account online feature if you are interested in single e-tickets?
To use the My account feature and watch the films you have to be logged in.
There is a “My list” button on each film card. After clicking the heart, the film will appear on your My account subpage in the section: “I want to see”.
You can collect the films you want to watch on the “My account” subpage and go back to the choices you have saved this way.
From the “My account” subpage, you can easily watch the films added to the collection. After clicking “buy e-ticket”, the website will direct you to the film card where you can watch the chosen film.
On the subpage “My account” there is a separate list “Purchased movies”. There, you will find information about the films you have bought tickets for and the time left for watching them.
How to use the My account online feature if you have an e-pass?
To use the My festival feature and watch films, you have to be logged in.
There is a “My list” button on each film card. After clicking the heart, the film will appear on your My account subpage in the section: “I want to see”.
You can collect the films you want to watch on the “My account” subpage and go back to the choices you have saved this way.
If you have an e-pass which you have purchased and which is active, there is information on the “My account” subpage on how many films you can watch based on the e-pass you have bought. Below, there is a button which makes it possible to search and watch films.
You can watch the films which are saved as a part of the “I want to see” list from the “My account” subpage.
The films you have chosen as a part of the e-pass will appear on the list “Movies selected with e-subscription”. On the list you will see how much time you have left for watching the film.
Access to online films. What do you need to know?
The access to the films on is possible only in Poland. You must have a Polish IP address. You cannot use the website outside Poland.
The content available on can be used after logging in on one device at one time only.
To watch the films, you need a device with the following technical parameters and with an internet access of the following minimum parameters:
- Internet browsers: Chrome, Safari (13 or newer versions), Firefox, Microsoft Edge;
- Films are shown in HD quality adjusted to the internet connection speed during the streaming. The highest quality: 1080p, the lowest quality: 540p.
- The minimum speed required is 2 Mbps but we recommend using the ones over 10 Mbps.
- You can use Chromecast for watching the films, which will allow you to watch them on a TV.
- The quality of the films may depend on the technical parameters of the internet connection or the device through which you access the Festival films.
- You can put the films you have purchased assess on hold or move them forward and backwards.
- Some films shared as a part of the festival are available with audio description.
- The children’s films from the OKI DOKI section have a voice-over.
More questions? Contact us at:
Enjoy the screenings!