A few days ago, KoBold Metals, the company represented by such tycoons as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, signed an agreement on the exploration of rare-earth elements in Greenland. - With the development of electric cars, the demand for metals that were previously practically unheard of has increased dramatically - said Dr. Piotr Śpiewanowski in an interview for TOK FM.

Read the whole story on TOK FM's website (in Polish only).

To see how our mania for conquest defines our relationship to the Earth, we encourage you to watch ANTHROPOCENE: THE HUMAN EPOCH, available on VOD.MDAG.PL. he film is a mesmerizing and disturbing rumination on what drives us as a species, and a call to wake up to the destruction caused by our dominance.

ANTHROPOCENE: THE HUMAN EPOCH, dir. Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, Edward Burtynsky

LIVE is a new, permanent section of VOD.MDAG.PL, in which we present the most interesting news-related materials from the Polish media and recommend films from our catalog that further discuss a particular problem.