A neo-noir thriller, "Human Capital" is the second film by Paolo Virzì that has just been added to the VOD.MDAG.PL catalogue. On this occasion we especially encourage you to also watch other feature fiction films available on our platorm. A botanical thriller, a desert version of Romeo and Juliet, the story of a famous painter, or a comedy hailed as a mix of  "Thelma and Louise" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - you will find it all on VOD.MDAG.PL! You can buy a single access to the films for 9.50 PLN or buy a pass for several films!

Human Capital, dir. Paolo Virzì

During a cold winter night, a cyclist is hit by a SUV and then abandoned to agonize in the frozen snow. The mysterious episode, on which the police will investigate, connects the events of the members of two families: the petty-bourgeois family of Ossola and the rich and venerated one of Bernaschi. Through a sophisticated narration divided into four chapters, adapted by an American noir novel, the film explores human and inhuman ambitions, generational conflicts and social splendour and misery of a North Italian province, ending with a mocking flavour epilogue that does not seem to fulfill anybody.

Little Joe, dir. Jessica Hausner