For the Sherpas, the Himalayas are a place inhabited by gods. When they go into the mountains with foreign visitors, not only do they risk their lives, but they also face religious taboos. Paradoxically, however, the deadly climb is their only chance to survive. The drama of life at the foot of the Himalayas is shown in the documentary "The Wall of Shadows." Its creators were interviewed by Mateusz Demski. Read the interview in Przekrój (in Polish only).

We also invite you to watch the film "The Wall of Shadows," which tells the story of the expedition to Kumbhakarna from the perspective of the Sherpas.

THE WALL OF SHADOWS, dir. Eliza Kubarska

Ngada Sherpa and his wife Jomdoe from Nepal, break a taboo and climb Kumbhakarna – one of the most holy of mountains, to earn money for their son’s school and save him from a dangerous and degrading work as a porter. The East face of the mountain (7710 m) is one of the most difficult challenges in alpinism today. A group of leading alpinists from the Western world take part in the expedition. The Holy Mountain confronts both the climbers and Sherpas with equal harshness.

FOR THE WEEKEND is a new, permanent section of VOD.MDAG.PL, in which we present the most interesting articles from the Polish media and recommend films from our catalog that further discuss a particular problem.