Blue Monday is no longer the saddest moment of the year. From now on, that part should be taken over by the Earth Overshoot Day, the date on which the consumption of ecological resources in a given year exceeds what the Earth can regenerate in that year. This year it fell on July 29. What is Greta Thunberg's solution to combat climate change? Follow young activist's five actions to reduce your impact on the environment.

Read more in this article by Noizz (in Polish only).

In 1988, the world was preparing to act against climate change. But then something happened. Something that led to the climate crisis that the world has woken up to today. The planet's largest oil companies were among the first to detect global warming, but instead of acting they launched a campaign that for 30 years has derailed the fight against climate change. "The Campaign Against the Climate," available on VOD.MDAG.PL,  tells the story about how a small group of men have forever affected the future of mankind. And continues to do this today.

The Campaign Against the Climate, dir. Mads Ellesøe

LIVE is a new, permanent section of VOD.MDAG.PL, in which we present the most interesting news-related materials from the Polish media and recommend films from our catalog that further discuss a particular problem.