The situation at the Polish-Belorussian border is a breeding ground for fake news and disinformation. - Today, in the times of information society, blocking information is a lost cause for Poland," said Agnieszka Demczuk, PhD, head of the Propaganda and Disinformation Research Group at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

Learn more from TOK FM (in Polish only).

In an era where governments spread fake news to create confusion and uncertainty, it is increasingly difficult to find the truth. This mission is undertaken daily by members of the first-ever citizen-led online investigative service. They discuss their work in the film Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World, available on VOD.MDAG.PL. The success of Bellingcat shows how our world is changing in the face of new technologies and social media.

Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World, dir. Hans Pool

LIVE is a new, permanent section of VOD.MDAG.PL, in which we present the most interesting news-related materials from the Polish media and recommend films from our catalog that further discuss a particular problem.